How do Escorts Improve their Skills?



More and more people ask the question. “How do escorts please their clients?” or “What are the special techniques escorts use?”. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of tips and tricks out there in the sex industry, both classic and fetish. Books, blogs, websites, videos – the learning sources are endless nowadays, as are the number of skills that can be acquired. The most talented and sought after courtesans, however, rely on more than just sexual prowess.


New escorts will have a lot of success at the beginning since sexual inexperience can be just as arousing. Ebony courtesans in an area where mostly ivory escorts work will also excel by being one of the few providers of their kind in the region. Fetish escorts, dommes and submissives will also not have problems finding clients as they control a niche area in the market. However, an escort should be more than her gimmick. She does not only offer sexual satisfaction, but an interpersonal experience with her clients. The most successful courtesans are the ones who can form a bond with their patrons, easily turning them into regulars.


An escort gains many physical and sexual skills through her experience, but the skills that will assure her long-term success are not that specific. A successful escort must become intuitive and attentive towards her clients’ needs. She must be confident, and exude an aura of safety and no social pressure. Talented escorts can make a client forget about their obligations and stress with their clothes on just as well as they can with their clothes off.


Pictured on the right is Daria, age 27, from Bucharest, Romania

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