How to Make Sure Your Escort Website Is Safe


Have you already created a personal website where you advertise yourself, share your personal experience dealing with clients and a lot more? If yes, then you know just how dangerous the whole thing can be. You’re vulnerable to a lot of psychos, stalkers and generally bad people who want to scam you or hurt you in every way possible. Or someone else can gain access to your site’s password and steal your photos, posts and everything else you have on it. Thankfully, you can avoid all of this potential disaster. We’ll tell you how today.


The very first thing you should do if you don’t want to lose the precious stuff on your escort website: go to Privacy Settings. Once you’re there, make sure you upgrade them. This can mean anything, from locking up your sexy vids to hiding your pics from prying eyes and hands. For that, open the built-in privacy settings. You can also make your website’s pages visible only to those people you trust (including your verified fans). This will make your personal space on the Internet a safe one, meant only for the kind of folks who have been screened.


Do you have a lot of photos of yourself on the escort site you own? If none of them has a watermark, go add one on all of them. This is going to make it harder for thieves to grab your pics and post them on their own websites or other online place. Also, it will be impossible for them to snap screenshots of those pics. When applying a watermark: choose something you love, like a favorite word or the name of your favorite star. Keep it short and sweet, so that you don’t forget what you chose and it doesn’t occupy the entire photo.


Speaking of personal pics and how to prevent them from being taken away without your permission: be sure to have right-click disabled. If it’s turned on, people will have an easy life of right-clicking and copying the photos. Once the option is disabled, they won’t be able to do that anymore. Usually, the way to turn right-click off is to go to your site’s Settings, then click on General and tap the Disable Right-Click thingie. That’s it!


Next and last thing you need to do to protect yourself online: go to Google and look for yourself on the Internet. That’s because thieves who steal content from your personal website also like to grab, like previously mentioned, the posts you’ve been writing so far on what’s been happening during your bookings with various clients. So head over to our friend Google and copy-paste fragments of your blog posts there; put them within quotes. In case another website appears, they may be using the things you’ve posted without your consent.


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