Shut down the inner critic in your head!


What drags you back? What makes you feel you deserve all the bad things happening to you? What makes you settle for less? What makes you look down on yourself?

The answer to all of these questions can set your mind free off that abusive inner voice in your head, allowing you to finally be the best version of yourself, an amazing escort, a true professional that knows her worth.

Anxiety – we’ve all felt it, we’ve all suffered from it

We all know what anxiety is, we’ve all felt it one way or another, we’ve all been facing its consequences. Anxiety is real and has both physical and mental manifestations that can unable us to grow, to reach our goals and to enjoy our daily lives. From rapid breathing or shortness of breath to insomnia, trembling, headaches and stomach pain, anxiety is something not to be treated lightly.

Anxiety is a monster fed by our own mind, born out of the high standards we set up for ourselves and from the consequences of our harsh inner critic that is constantly in our heads.

What resides in our head – the Adult, the Child & the Parent’s voice

There are three “voices” in our heads that contribute to the way we act, we think, and we react – the voice of us as children, the voice of us as adults and the critical voice, also referred to as the parental voice.

This parental voice is that infuriating inner critic, a residue of the judgements addressed to us while growing up, by our parents. And if you happened to have a toxic parent, that inner voice is so much stronger and overwhelming, inhibiting you to reach your true potential.

How does this inner critical voice acts like?

  • It sets standards of perfection that are impossible to reach.
  • It makes you feel like a loser for even the smallest mistake.
  • It makes you blame yourself for all the things going wrong around you.
  • It makes you address yourself with negative names such us “loser”, “ugly”, “unworthy”, “stupid”, “weak”.
  • It always makes you compare yourself to others, especially when you don’t succeed at something others managed to do.
  • It highlights your weaknesses and failures.

How can you shut it down?

There’s only one way of shutting down this toxic and always critical parental voice: by being kinder to yourself. By not making such a fuss about the things you didn’t achieved and remembering all the amazing things you’ve actually managed to do.

Being kind and full of compassion towards yourself you attract the same type of reaction from the ones around you. It is simple, if you treat yourself nicely and in an understanding manner, others will do to, because compassion is contagious.

And no, being kind to yourself is not the same with finding excuses for your failures. Because by being kind and compassionate about yourself you just acknowledge that you did your best, you tried, and trying sometimes just doesn’t automatically lead to success, but maybe next time it will.

What can you actively do to shut down your inner critic?

  • Turn negative sentences into positive ones. Instead of saying “I’m always failing at this”, you can say “I did my best but today just wasn’t enough to succeed. Tomorrow it will be better”.
  • Rewarding yourself for what you actually managed to accomplish and not obsessing about what you didn’t manage to do. So, at the end of the day tell yourself in the mirror all the things you actually did good and do not focus on the things you haven’t checked on the to do list. Make “I’m doing the best that I can at the moment” your daily mantra.
  • Don’t forget that you’re human and it is ok to make mistakes now and then.
  • Instead of saying “I’m a failure”, shift your perspective to “At the moment and under these circumstances, this is the best I managed to do”.

By learning to talk to yourself in a gentle, loving, respectful and kind manner, you will slowly start to shut down that critical inner voice that is holding you back, causing you anxiety and not letting you live the best life that you can.


Is the inner critic a strong voice in your head? Are you actively trying to shut it down? What tips and tricks are you using to make yourself feel better? Share your experience with us and let’s grow stronger together.

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