Why Do Men Seek Out Escorts?


Although this day and age is far more tolerant towards sex workers than previous decades, there is still a lot of shaming and blaming going around, not just directed towards the escorts themselves, but towards the clients as well. And that’s something, which is in all honesty fair because you couldn’t have a market without a need. However, very few people think about the reasons why men seek out escorts before throwing the guilt party. And the reasons themselves, well, they have quite a lot of merit.


Men look to hire companions for a lot of motives. Almost all can be broken down to a certain form of loneliness or chronic dissatisfaction. However, breaking them down into their base emotions does not negate the reasons themselves. So, before blaming others or even before blaming yourself for feeling the need for a companion, take a moment to look over the motives and properly understand them. This is also extremely helpful for escorts to bear in mind. The better you know what your clients are experiencing, the better you will be able to do your job.


1. Separation or Divorce – With over 50% of initial marriages ending in divorce or separation, and percentages growing further for relationships that come after, it’s no wonder men end up preferring companionship without strings attached. It’s the perfect solution to weed out stressful factors and actually enjoy the company of a woman without the complications of another relationship that could easily go down the drain.


2. Birthdays – Whether turning 18-21 and realising you have to become “a man” or turning 50 and finding yourself smack-dab in a middle-life crisis, birthdays are always emotionally disturbing for people. Escorts come into this scenario to ease the strain of status change that naturally accompanies these socially important milestones.


3. Revenge – Sometimes, if a spouse cheats or does anything to disappoint their better half, well, one of the natural reactions is to get revenge, and one of the easiest ways to do so is to hire an escort. These clients can be a little dangerous because they come to the encounter with a self-damaging mind-set. In cases such as these you have to reassure your customers that their worth doesn’t lie solely in this part of their lives. Turn their intent for revenge into a massage for their body and mind. After all, that is what being a companion is all about.


After these, the reasons vary from class reunions to bachelor parties, from promotions to downsizes, from living out fantasies to simply experimenting after only having few or even just one partner. The motives are endless, but each situation is unique and should be treated as such. Customers, confide in your escorts and they will be able to offer you the experience of a lifetime. Escorts, listen to your clients and create a unique encounter, perfectly designed to fit their needs! 

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