An escort’s secret to living well


We all struggle for one thing: to live well, have a fulfilling life and enjoy doing the things that we love. As an escort life can be pretty rough, having to deal with all kind of people, all bringing their emotional baggage with them during the date, all with their own perks and desires. This can be energy draining and can cause you to feel exhausted, angry, and unhappy, at the end of the day.

But here is the big “secret” of having a good life as an escort: happiness! Yes, keeping yourself happy and content about your life is what can make you a great escort and offer you a great personal life. It may seem as a no brainer cause yeah, we all want to be happy and are doing things that are meant to offer us joy and happiness, but if you really think about it, do we really do things to pursue our happiness?

We tend to be confused when we talk about happiness, and believe that paying our rent, having a full fridge, paying our kids school or adopting a cat makes us happy, but happiness is a deeper feeling and it’s obtained by doing more than minor things that are simply improving our daily lifestyle.

  1. Set up a goal and stick to it

Think of what makes you really happy, something that you can set up as a goal that you are going to pursue, and every day try to actively do something directed towards that goal.

You love to write? Then start by creating an “inspiration corner” at your house and start writing a few rows every day. You are passionate about makeup? Start by following different influencers on social media, watch tutorials and try taking a course. Do something to sustain your passion, your special skill, your dream, every single day, this way you will feel happier and more content about your daily life.

  1. Let the past be the past

It’s easier for us to find justifications for our failure or for the rut we find ourselves in, than to step up our game and actually live in the present. But you can actively tell yourself just that “my past is my past it does not define my present or future”. Say it like you mean it, every single day and act accordingly.

You’ve had a rough childhood? You had a lot of bad luck? You feel like everything went bad for you? Let that be your past and focus on the small things that you can actually do now, for your well-being.

You are stronger than your past, you just have to be strongly connected to the present, because in many cases we tend to miss a lot of present opportunities just by not paying enough attention, because we are just too focused on feeling sorry for ourselves.

  1. If you’re happy everyone around you is happy

Don’t be a martyr and work just to please others. From time to time figure a way to do something just for you.  Buy that lipstick you’ve been dreaming about, take a Sunday of and spend it at that fancy coffee shop you like, start doing Pilates or yoga, or just have that dessert that you couldn’t have till now because it was so full of calories. Do not let a week pass without doing something that makes your heart bounce with joy. Joy attracts joy, and happiness attracts more happiness.

  1. Make a plan and celebrate every success

Don’t let your dreams in the hands of destiny, instead make a plan that can lead you to reaching your goal. Set up steps towards meeting that goal, that you can take every single day and celebrate every small victory, because that means you’re one step closer to doing what you like most, or to living the life that you dream about.

  1. Don’t look for someone to make you happy

No one is responsible for your happiness but you. So, start looking inside your heart in order to find joy and happiness. Do not rely on a dude to make you happy, rely on your own actions. A guy can only add joy in your life, but he can’t be the one responsible for your success or happiness.

Focus on yourself and on the things, you’ve set up to do in order to be happy and then you’ll find yourself in a state of genuine content and satisfaction towards your very own person. And that will reflect on the way that you look, the way you smile and the way you interact with your dates. And in the end, you being happy and satisfied with yourself is what turns you from a normal escort into an elite one!

What do you do to bring happiness into your daily life? Share with us tips and tricks that are helping you be a better woman and escort!

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