Bondage for rookies. Rules for first timers and for their escort dates!


You’re into bondage and you want to add this kinky treat to your service list, so that your clients can enjoy it? Then go for it, but keep in mind that when it comes to first time clients, or clients that you only see from time to time, light bondage practice is the key. So, keep it softcore and you’ll avoid potential problems with your partner.

Why do we advise you to try a softer version of bondage with clients that are not regulars? Because we are talking about a sex game that can be dangerous when practiced among new partners. Bondage means knowing the person you’re sharing the bed with, knowing it’s limits, it’s strength, it’s body and even its emotional strength. Because bondage goes deeper than just a sexual intercourse, it’s based on your well-hidden desires and fantasies.

That’s why we advise you to keep the hardcore bondage moves for your regulars and to try a lighter version, that is still very arousing, with your daily clients.

For beginners, bondage doesn’t require a lot of toys, props and so on, you just have to have a lot of imagination and willingness to stretch your erotic boundaries.

Here are a few musts when it comes to bondage bedroom play, for you rookies:

  1. Always have a safeword. Choose a short, simple word, non-sex related, that you can easily say no matter the circumstances. The purpose of a safeword is to keep the level of comfort in check, when things get rough or too intense.
  2. Try having two safewords for two different messages – to slow down or to stop. You can use the word “yellow” for slowing things down and the word “red” for stoping things, because these are the most common safewords used in the bondage/dominant sex games.
  3. If there is a gag involved in the sex game, and one of you can’t speak, then double the safeword with a move – for example the drop of a coloured piece of fabric or something like that.
  4. When one of the partners is being restrained: don’t ever leave that person alone, keep an eye on the restraint and on the partner’s reaction and be ready to release the restraint if the partner is feeling numb or has a tingling sensation. And another important thing is to make sure that the space you’re playing in is safe so that the restrained partner cannot trip and fall.
  5. Are you using a whip or a flogger? Never hit your partner in the eye or kidney area!
  6. Never tie your date around his neck because there is a high risk of injuring him, causing tissue damage, choking or even strangulation!
  7. Do not let yourself tied down by a client that you’ve just met! It’s important to know your bondage partner and him to know you! This way you know each other’s limits and reactions.
  8. Talk before you start playing, about the rules and the limits that you want each other to follow. This way you’ll both have a great, memorable experience, with no bad surprises.

If your partner is a first timer, start slow, with silk scarves and bondages that can be easily broken when the partner starts to feel uncomfortable. Later on, you can add some furry cuffs, to make things way more interesting.

As the dominant part of this naughty sex games, you have to be confident, always in control and extremely attentive towards your partner’s needs and mood changes!

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