Check out the medical calendar of an escort. Stay healthy and fit!


A healthy escort is a happy escort and that can only translate into a happy and satisfied client!

A base rule of a good business is to protect your investment – take care of its wellbeing and help it evolve. In the escort business, that means that: as an escort you have to take good care of your assets – in this case your beautiful appearance and the health of your body; and as an escort agency you have to make sure that your escorts stay healthy, safe and happy.


Plan this year’s medical check-ups

That’s why, at the beginning of every year you have to plan a medical check-up calendar. This calendar will help you stay organized when it comes to keeping your body healthy and not missing a medical appointment.

Don’t be afraid to go to medical check-ups, because you know that is better to prevent than to treat! That way you can go on doing your escort job knowing that you are in your best shape possible.


Health Screening for Escorts Ages 18-39

The purpose of these annual screenings is to: screen for medical issues; assess your risk of future medical problems and update vaccinations.


-          Dental Exam

As an escort you know that a beautiful smile can help you win a client favors. That’s why it’s important to have a good dental health. And that translates into twice a year dental check-ups and cleanings.


-          Eye Exam

We all know that a pair of glasses and an outfit to match it can intrigue and make the imagination of every man wonder. But isn’t it better for those glasses to be just prop? If you have vision problems, the doctors recommend you to have an eye exam every two years.


-          Breast Exam/Self-Exam

The breasts are the symbol of our femininity, and the asset that attracts most of the clients. In a short version, men are crazy about boobs! They want to touch, squeeze, kiss and bite them! So, let’s make everything in our power to keep our boobs healthy!

If you are between ages 20 to 40, you should go to your health provider and have a breast exam every three years.

If a woman in your family had breast cancer at a young age, your doctor may recommend you to have a mammogram, a breast ultrasound or an MRI scan.

In healthy women, screening mammogram is recommended for women under 40.

Once a week have a breast self-exam! In this way you can spot in time any changes that can occur in your breast area.


-          Blood Pressure Screening

Have your blood pressure checked every two years if you have a normal blood pressure – lower than 120/80, and once a year if your blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89.

If you have diabetes, heart problems or kidney problems you may have to check your blood pressure more often.


-          Pap Test

Keep your lady parts safe with regular medical check-ups. Get a Pap Test every three years if you are 21 or older. Remember that you are a young sexual active woman and you have to pay extra attention to your health.


-          Diabetes Screening

You don’t have to eat a lot of sweets to have high blood sugar levels! If your blood pressure is higher than 135/80 you should test your blood sugar level for diabetes.


-          Cholesterol Screening

Bad eating habits and family history can lead to high cholesterol levels. That’s why it’s important, starting at age 20, to get a cholesterol test once a year.  The regularly cholesterol screening can start, in healthy women, at age 45.


-          Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV and Syphilis Test

You are a sexually active woman so the risks of getting a sexually transmitted infection is high. You can’t rely on the appearance of a person, or on his/her words, when it comes to your health. That’s why it’s important to get tested yearly for chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV and syphilis.


-          Skin Exam

As an escort you are expected to look fresh and pretty at all times. That’s why it’s important to hydrate, exfoliate and nourish your skin properly. Also it’s important to visit once a year a dermatologist, so that he can check the appearance of your moles – if they have grown or changed their color and shape and to spot any changes in the way your skin looks.


Dear escorts, as you can see, all of the medical exams presented above are non-invasive and will take just a little bit of your time. So put your health first and don’t forget to plan your medical appointments now, at the beginning at the year when gigs are slow and you have some free time.

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