Feeling always restless? Why and How to combat restlessness!


“Don’t forget to relax and give yourself some “you time”, at the end of a busy day.”

This is what both doctors and psychologists are always recommending us to do, when we experience a hectic period. But what do you do when you can’t “turn off the lights”, when you can’t relax, and a feeling of constant restlessness is taking over your body?

As an escort, there is no such thing as a hectic period, because every day is crazy, every day implies you running between bookings and taking care of your personal things as well. And that is why the body stays into a constant over-drive state.

It knows that your “relax” phase is short and it is immediately followed by another period of time where your pulse is racing, your thoughts are all over the place and you’re on constant move, so it decides to remain awake and in constant alert mode, to help you deal with all the agitation.

The state of constant restlessness is something common among escorts, because the line between the professional life and the personal life is so blurred, and the window for relaxation is so small. But this constant restlessness has serious effects on your health, and is something you need to change in your daily rut, if you want to keep your mental and physical health.

There are some coping mechanisms that we use without even thinking of them as ways of keeping the restlessness at bay. But these mechanisms are not healthy on a long run. We are talking about drinking alcohol, overeating, compulsive behavior – compulsive eating/shopping, drug use, social media or television binging.

Even though these mechanisms tend to work on the spot, numbing our mind and making us get a false sense of relaxation, in time all of theme are extremely bad for our overall health, leading to high blood pressure, palpitations, impulsivity, lack of ability to concentrate, depression and anxiety.

If you feel under a constant state of restlessness and nothing seems to help you loosen up and just relax, you should see a doctor and see if there is any medical condition that is causing you this feeling of constant agitation – it may be a side effect of some medication, an endocrine imbalance, anxiety, ADHD, restless leg syndrome and so on.

Here are a few things that can work against restlessness:

Therapy works! Try seeing a specialist to talk to about your restlessness state and see what is the underling reason for this constant agitation you’re experiencing. A specialist can also offer you some guidance and steps to take to change some things in your life.

Stick to a rut! The word routine tends to have a negative meaning, but having a constant in your life, such as making sure you always have breakfast, or you always go to bed at a certain hour, or eating healthy, will significantly improve your quality of life.

The magic 15 minutes! Every day, no matter how busy your schedule might be, take 15 minutes off – 15 minutes when you are not checking your phone, tacking a call, scrolling through social media, talk with another person; 15 minutes to just sit with yourself, to breath, meditate, do some people watching while having a cup of coffee.

Find something that brings you joy! Think of something that relaxes you and take some time to do that, every couple of days, for at least half an hour. It may be coloring in an adult coloring book, painting, baking, reading, knitting and so on. Do something that really relaxes you, and do it daily, and you’ll soon see that it will really help you combat the restlessness feeling.

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