Make Your Life Easier With These Gadgets Part 1


The life of an escort girl isn’t always fun, laughter, great money or whatever else you might visualize in your head. Female companions have their problems, too, just like all of us. Some of them lose sleep because they need to travel across continents or party all night at a fancy club with their clients. Others simply forget to relax and recharge their batteries; or they stop exercising because they don’t have enough time to do it. We already talked about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. How about we tell you all about the pros of using some really great gadgets?


A lot of smartphones have the same problem: their batteries die out like there’s no tomorrow. We bet you know what we’re talking about, don’t you? Say you were about to go to a booking with a client; you check your phone, but its battery is almost drained. What to do, you ask yourself in a panic? Well, you can buy a charger that does its magic with the help of the sun. Make sure you leave it outside for a bit (make sure no clouds are on the sky), then use it to have your device come back to life in the blink of an eye. Amazon have many solar powered chargers; the cheapest one costs %15.


The One Trip Grocery Bag Holder should be your top priority every time you run out of food or some other important stuff for you, your friends or your house. A special gadget like the one above will make sure you don’t make a million trips from your car to your home when you’re done with the shopping. Get some of these bag holders and you’ll see how easy it is to just carry every single bag at the same time. Bonus point: you won’t drop them and embarrass yourself in front of someone you know. A nifty accessory like this one can be yours for $6 (go to Amazon).


Ever had problems with your nail polish? It all starts off well, with you applying a perfect coat of your favorite nail polish, but then ends badly and you have smudged nails. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Don’t you just hate it when that happens? We know we do. Here’s how to solve this: get your hands on something called a nail dryer; you’ll spot it on the same website that sells the other two, for only $18. Apply polish, then place your hand inside the thing; the paint will dry quickly and your nails will look great for your next booking.


Be sure to come back for part 2, dear escorts! We have some equally amazing gadgets that’ll make your life heaven. 

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