Pros and Cons of Permanent Make-up



Escorts spend a lot of time working on their image and persona, always making sure they look their best. Some escorts work out a lot, others invest a lot in various outfits or toys, some even resort to plastic surgery in order to upgrade their appearance. However, despite the fact that providers differ so much in their beauty routine, almost all escorts use make-up to spruce up their looks. This is why many women are considering permanent make-up as a valid option for cutting time off from their daily beautifying routine.


Micropigmentation or Cosmetic Tattooing, which is what permanent make-up is known as in certain circles, is a great potential solution for escorts, particularly for the ones who also have a day job or who perform several encounters per night. This is why we thought we’d take you through the pros and cons of this type of procedure.


Micropigmentation is very similar to tattooing because the equipment used in this process is practically the same. Pigment is added beneath the skin for a permanent color effect, preferably bringing a saturation boost to your natural hues. It is common to resort to this type of procedure to make your eyes pop out (in the form of permanent eye liner), to define your eyebrows or add a little more red to your lips. In some cases, cosmetic tattooing can be used to hide scars or other blemishes and imperfections.  


Although the procedure is similar to tattooing, it is by no means the same. The pigmentation techniques differ substantially and a tattoo artist will not be able to work on your facial features as well as a professional cosmetician, so be careful when choosing your salon. For example, if you want to define your eyebrows, opt for a cosmetician who tattoos each strand of hair in a subtly darker colour than your original hair colour or a slightly different hue. Consult your make-up artist and choose the best option and best shape for your image.


Permanent make-up should enhance your natural beauty and work from it. Because it is permanent, we recommend that you avoid bold colours. Going through such a procedure shouldn’t mean giving up on make-up completely. For example, adding blush through micopigmentation is very dangerous as it can lead to an unnatural look. Instead what cosmetic tattooing should do is make your most beautiful features pop out a little more – not enough for your clients to realize the changes you’ve made, just enough for them to notice you’re looking particularly beautiful today! A little goes a long way! 

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