Protect Yourself from the Zika Virus - Pay Extra Attention to Your Bookings and the Places You Tour!


Dear escorts, are you planning on touring the Americas, Asia, the Pacific or Africa? Or maybe are you planning on moving your business to Rio de Janeiro during the Rio Carnival? Then you should take some precaution measurements in order to make sure you stay healthy!

 As you may have heard, the World Health Organisation has released a warning about the continuous spread of the Zika virus in this countries. So do not panic, but be prepared and learn about the prevention methods and the way you can deal with this virus.

Also, during the next couple of months do not forget to ask your clients before booking a date if they have been traveling to one of the countries where the virus is most spread, because there is a chance that they could carry the virus and pas it to you.


What is Zika Virus?


Zika is a virus spread primarily through the bite of the Aedes mosquito. This is the same species of mosquito that spreads dengue!

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has announced that 24 countries are graded with a health warning because of Zika virus. That’s why the travelers are advised to be extra vigilant with the protection measures against mosquito bites.

There is currently no vaccine to prevent Zika virus disease.


Be extra careful if you are travelling to:


» Cape Verde

» The Caribbean - Barbados; Curaçao; Dominican Republic; Guadeloupe; Haiti; Martinique; the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; Saint Martin; U.S. Virgin Islands

» The Central America - Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama

» Mexico

» The Pacific Islands - American Samoa, Samoa

» South America - Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Suriname, Venezuela


Zika Virus Prevention Methods


Step1. Even if you are tempted to wear sexy, revealing clothes try to review your wardrobe and include some long sleeved shirts and long pants.

Don’t be disappointed, remember that your charm lies in your joyful and alluring attitude and your beautiful figure can be even more tempting when you just insinuate what you are covering up with clothes.

Step2. Frequent only the places that have air conditioning, or that use window and door screens in order to keep mosquitoes out.

Step3. When you book a room remember to ask the bed to have a mosquito bed net in order to protect yourself from mosquito bites.

Step4. Don’t be afraid to use insect repellents. If you are using sunscreen, don’t forget to apply it before applying insect repellent. Read the label in order to see how long the protection will last, so that you can reapply it.

Step5. Treat your clothes and gear with permethrin. Do not use permethrin directly on skin, because this is a product intended only to treat clothing.


Zika Virus Symptoms – How do you know you’ve been infected!


According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1 in 5 people infected with Zika virus become ill.

If you are in a country where the virus is spread or you have a client that travels in one of the countries mentioned earlier, pay extra attention to your health!

Go to a doctor if you have one of the following symptoms: fever, rash, joint pain, conjunctivitis (red eyes), headache and muscle pain. These symptoms usually last for several days to a week.

Non the less the virus can remain in the blood of the infected person for a few days or longer. Those symptoms are similar to dengue disease.


Treat the symptoms by:

-          Getting plenty of rest

-          Drinking a lot of fluids because you can get dehydrated

-          Taking paracetamol to relieve the fever and the headache

Do not take aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen.


Keep in mind that is better to prevent than to treat and be extra careful with your next bookings. That doesn’t mean you can’t travel or take clients!

Pay attention to the way you dress, the places you visit and the clients you date and everything will be ok.

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