Romantically Dating an Escort – Challenges and Rewards


If you are working in the escorting industry and you are romantically dating someone, then you should show him/her this article about the things that they should know and take into consideration when dating an escort.


Escorts are humans to and have private lives just like each and every one of us, but as you may already know, dating an escort is a little bit different than having a regular romantic date.

So, if you find yourself romantically involved with an escort, keep in mind the following:


1.      Don’t turn your partners job into a TABU subject!


Yes, escorting is a job just like any other. It involves preparing yourself, acting as a true professional, following the rules and getting a pay check at the end of the day. And just as you would talk with your partner about your day at work, about the good and the bad, in the same way you must talk about your partners escorting activity.

We don’t say now that you have to go into details, but do not place a shame stigma on your life partner, just because his/her line of job is a little bit different than what we are used to.


Acting like escorting doesn’t exist in your lives is not the answer, is just a way of creating and constantly feeding a problem in your relationship. Accept the fact that your partner is involved romantically just with you and that what she does is just part of the business.

When you let things unsaid you also leave room to interpretation, jealousy and imagination. Treat escorting as a casual subject and you will see that there is nothing to feel threaten about.


2.      If you feel jealous or insecure, talk about it!

Even the most laid back person can get a little bit jealous when he feels that he has to share his loved one with a bunch of other people. It is an intimidating thing that leads to a lot of insecurities, that’s why it is very important not to leave things just as they are! Talk to your partner, share your problems and fears and be open to move past them. And you should keep in mind that from all the guys out there, you are the one that is dating her.


You are the chosen one, the one with whom she shares her intimacy, thoughts, kisses and love!

Also, stop obsessing over what your partner could be doing during a date, because it is an unhealthy thing to do, a thing that will lead to big problems in your relationship.


Another thing that you really shouldn’t do is tell her to change or to stop escorting. Even if you feel like you have her best interest in heart, that doesn’t make it right for you to get involved in her life decisions. She will stop when she feels like it or when she feels that there is the time for that.


3.      Do not obsess over every little thing

If she comes home happy and smiling do not overthink things. Ok, she may have had a good day and now she is in a good mood, don’t make her feel guilty about that. You don’t want her to be miserable, do you? You love her and you want her to enjoy her job just like you enjoy yours….and that all that it is, a JOB!


Also do not turn into a security officer – don’t check her phone or make faces when a client calls or send a kinky message. In her line of work, a happy and content client is a good source of income and a perfect business card for attracting other clients.

Once again we advise you not to overthink things! If she is nervous, irritated or she refuses to have sex with you, that doesn’t immediately mean that she stopped loving you, being interested by you or feeling aroused by you! She may be just tired, cranky or nervous…simple as that.


4.      Support her and do not divulge her line of work to others

What she does for a living is her business and you have no right to divulge that to others. If she feels comfortable enough in order to talk to others about her escorting job that is her decision to make. Don’t pump your muscles in from of your friends with your escort girlfriend, or, on the contrary, be a cry baby and talk to others about your insecurities and moral dilemmas. Those are things that you should discuss only with her.

You should be her rock, her partner and support, the one that understands her and comforts her. This is a very important thing that will strengthen your relationship.


Dating an escort can be an amazing experience, one that can change your life and make you learn a lot about yourself, your limits, insecurities but also about your true feelings.

Support your partner, discuss openly about your problems, be honest, be confident in yourself and have faith in the things that brought you two together.

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