Rules when joining a couple for a threesome!


Offering your escort services for couples is a little different than your average threesome, because a couple must be dealt with a lot more care and attention, so that both partners can feel equally well taken care off. When joining a couple for a threesome, especially when it is their first time when experiencing such a treat, it’s very important to know a couple of rules of conduct, so that the date would not turn into a total fiasco.

Why is catering for couples harder than having a threesome with two dudes that are good friends, or with a guy and a girl also involved in a friendship?! The answer is simple: jealousy and feelings!

The partners that come to you for a threesome, most of the time are not equally excited by the idea. Usually, one of the two partners is more excited about the idea of a threesome, and has brought the idea to his partner, and the other one, usually ends up following the one with the idea, out of curiosity or the desire not to spoil the relationship.

That’s why, as an erotic provider, you must be extra careful to the couple you are about to have a threesome with and pay equal attention to both of them. No one must feel neglected, on the contrary, if you detect the one that is a little more reluctant to the threesome, you can give some extra attention to him/her, because if the reluctant partner is satisfied, then the entire experience will be a win for all of you.

So, see which one of the two partners is extra excited with the idea, buzzing and having a huge smile on his/her face and automatically you’ll know who the “follower” of the threesome idea is.

When offering your sex services to couples you must be prepared to do things a little different. With couples it is important to take a little time to get to know your partners and see what the general vibe is. You can either meet at a bar and have a chat, so that you can create a connection and know what the couple desires to achieve with this threesome, or reserve half an hour at the beginning of the date, especially for knowing each other.

Ask them what they want, what they like during sex, ask them about their sexual routine and try to figure out what they want to change to that rut. Also, make a verbal list of the things that are big no-no’s for them, things such as French kissing, cuddling, penetration and so on.

This way, when you get things started, you’ll know exactly what your role is in the threesome, who to show more attention to, what not to do and what fantasies to help them accomplish.

Another thing to do is set two “safe words”, one that means that you need to slow down, and another that means you need to stop doing the thing that you are doing.

Share your attention in an equal manner, and if possible, show some extra love to the one that was “dragged” into the threesome idea. Your goal is to make both partners feel amazing, and not regret their decision, and the most important thing of all: not to make one of them jealous!


Communication and openness are key when it comes to offering your escort services to a couple. Stay open minded and treat this date different from your regular bookings and you’ll surely going to get only great reviews and other threesome bookings will follow.



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