Sex on your period. How to manage menstruation and sex!


As an escort you don’t have the luxury of closing your business one week, every month, to deal with your menstruation. And if we take into consideration the PMS that also occurs one week prior to our periods, then two weeks a month we should be out of business due to mood swings, emotional distress, cramps, bleeding and so on.

But as this is not possible and “the show must go on” no matter what, most escorts keep on booking dates even while on their period. And this is not a bad thing at all, especially if you know that sex during period is actually good for you, it lowers the menstrual flow, it diminishes cramps due to orgasms that causes the uterine muscle to contract and easily shedding the lining, it boosts our moods and don’t get us started on the lubrication! During menstruation we have extra lubrication, because the cells lining the endometrium are an amazing natural lubricant.

But period sex is not safe sex! A pregnancy can still occur if you have sex during your menstruation cycle, due to menstrual irregularity or shorter menstrual cycles. Play it safe and just have fun!

Say no to messy sex during menstruation. Here’s how!

It is perfectly normal to have a day or two when you just want to turn off your phone, get in bed, eat ice cream, and watch a tv show, while going through some wild cramps. If you know to have painful menstrual cycles, then always have in mind to have that day of the month, when you just feel awful, free of dates!

So, go ahead and have period sex, but get a day to yourself, and book dates only on the lighter days of your menstruation.

The contraceptive sponge

Use a contraceptive sponge to trap blood on your upper vagina. The sponge works just like a menstrual cup, and although it is not the best menstruation device, it feels super comfortable inside your body and no one will notice you are wearing one, allowing you to go ahead with your dates as usual. Do not use the sponge if you know you are having a reproductive tract infection, and do not keep it inside longer then necessary. Use it right before the date starts and throw it away right after and take a quick shower.

The contraceptive sponge is for emergency dates only, not for normal use during menstruation because if kept longer inside the body while you are bleeding due to your period, it can cause toxic shock syndrome.

The disposable menstrual cup

Use disposable menstrual cups to prevent blood passing through the cervix. Again, this is an emergency solution, just to be used during the actual date and then taken out and cleaned the area. The menstrual cup is small and flexible, and it should not interfere during sex. It is less comfortable than the contraceptive sponge, but it does better job of collecting the blood.

The dental dam for oral play

This small, square, latex gizmo can be placed on top of the labia so that the mouth of your partner doesn’t come in direct contact with your private parts. The dental dam ca be also used for anal play and is great because it also prevents sexual transmitted diseases. So, if you have a date that’s into going down on him, but you are into a slow menstrual flow day, use a dental dam to cover your vagina with and he will be able to go down on you without getting in contact with any “leakage”.

The shower sex trick

Shower sex it may prove to be your best allay this time of the month. You can use it under the pretext of spicing things up and giving new thrills to your date. This way your date has a hot and wet erotic adventure, while you can rest assured knowing that everything is clean and spot free.

What do you do when you’re on your period but have dates to attend? We can’t wait to hear your tips and tricks on sex during menstruation.

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