Why Aren’t Escorts A Threat For Wives?


It isn’t news that most men who seek escorts are married. Some are even happily married, you might be surprised to find out, but for various reasons, the love and passion have dimmed in the marriage and both partners find themselves forced to look for it elsewhere. There is no one reason for which a man, who is married, will seek an escort. Each situation is unique and should be treated as such.


However, when we think about such a scene: a married man meeting a companion and then going home, our minds come up with all sorts of negative situations. Will they argue if the wife finds out? Will they get a divorce? What will the children think? What will their friends and family believe? How far will the feeling of treachery extend? There’s no one answer because there is no one situation but if there’s anything society has taught us is that jealousy is an ugly beast and that no one’s coming out happy from of this. However, we want to dedicate this article to the wives, and show them why escorts are not a threat at all – quite the contrary.


Hired companions are not really the ‘other woman’. They’re not seeing your husbands because they are interested in them. It is merely a business transaction. If anything, they’re actually keeping your partners distracted enough to not think about finding another woman and, in a twisted way, actually keeping your marriage intact. Okay, we’ll agree, it’s probably not the desired situation, but it’s better than your husbands taking a mistress.


When you suspect or find out your partner is seeing an escort, rage and jealousy are the instinctive feelings. However, we suggest you to take a deep breath and consider the situation in all its details. Firstly, were you having problems sexually as a couple, for example? Lack of sexual satisfaction leads to marriages breaking up most of the times, so if your husband is finding his satisfaction somewhere else, that might actually save the marriage. If, however, you challenge him and appear frustrated by the situation, that’s the real thing that will ruin your relationship – the added guilt.


Secondly, why are you having difficulties sexually? Are you just not that attracted to each other anymore? It happens to a lot of couples and that’s not something you can easily change. Or perhaps you just never could offer your husband everything he wanted? If he’s getting his fetish fix somewhere else, you should be glad, not feeling threatened. It takes a lot of pressure off your shoulders, if you think about it.


Lastly, don’t get angry at the escort. Drama’s the last thing she’s looking for. Instead, think about ways in which you could actually turn the situation around. Don’t argue, don’t threaten, don’t get back, don’t get even! Instead, propose to your husband that you both see his escort together. There are many companions who organize couple sessions and the newfound intimacy and experience will be amazing, trust us! It could actually bring you and your husband closer together!  

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