Why do we need SEX? Reasons unraveled!


Sex is emotion in motion. Whoever said that is not at all far away from the truth, because no matter what your reason for having sex is, that reason is always emotionally-based.

The emotions behind our reasons or desires of having sex may be positive or negative, may be linked to our own insecurities, goals that we want to reach, the need for human touch, or finding someone attractive that arouses our desires.

Where does the desire to have sex comes from? Even though men and women may seem totally different, we are the same, even when it comes to sexuality and the reasons behind having sex!

  1. Our bodies need sex

You sure are familiar with this, and you must have experienced it – the physical need for sex, because sexual intercourse helps us release tension and feel relaxed when we feel extremely tensed due to a hard time in our lives, or at the end of a busy period, or a difficult situation.

Our body desires sex because sex brings us pleasure, simple as that! When we have sex, the body is emersed in “happy hormones” that are boosting our mood, release our tension and give us that after-sex glow.

We feel the need for sex when we find someone really attractive, with lots of sex-appeal, a sexy mouth, a dirty look in their eyes, a juicy ass and so on. And we also have sex because we seek to explore our own sexuality, we are curious, and we want to find out all there is to know in the erotic world.

  1. Sex brings us closer to our goals

We all have goals that sometimes sex helps us reach even faster then other means. Sex can bring us gifts, objects, vacations, money, when our goals is to have a fair exchange of time vs. benefits. Also, sex can get us revenge when we use it to get back at someone that hurt us.

Also, sex can help us reach another goal, that is not material but more related to social status: sex can help us gain an advantage in life or at work.

  1. Sex helps us fight against our insecurities

Sex, when done right, by a professional such as yourself, is an incredible self-esteem booster. You feel a sense of power when you see your date moaning and having the time of his life in your arms.

On the negative side, we also use sex as a duty towards our partner, and when we do that under pressure is not something really desirable, especially because sex as a duty is not as high quality as sex out of pleasure. And when you have sex with your partner just to make sure that he is not reaching out for sex from someone else, that may backfire and highlight your own insecurity.

  1. Sex as an opportunity – a men thing

If until now we’ve discussed about reasons for having sex, that are similar to both men and women, now we highlight a reason that is particular to men: sex done because there was an unmissable opportunity for it!

What we can see is the reasons for having sex are quite similar for both men and women. We both want to have sex because it brings us pleasure, it makes us feel better about ourselves, our bodies and our skills, and because we feel attracted by the other person, and why not…..because we get a benefit out of having sex with a certain person!

So, NO! Men do not want to have sex more than women! And a common trait of having sex is the need for being closer, more intimate and better connected to the person next to us!

The conclusion is simple: have sex, enjoy yourself, release those endorphins and just have fun, no matter the reason!

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