Why Escorting is Different from Prostitution


Although the core of the two businesses is basically the same, escorts and call girls are an entirely different breed from prostitutes. Escort Agencies generally hire solely attractive, interesting women, who are healthy. Also, independent escorts, by having to rely exclusively on themselves to find clients, are usually educated and intelligent and often employ marketing skills in order to improve their business.


The clients between the two businesses differ as well. Customers who prefer escorts will often enlist providers for more than just sexual services, whether it’s for dinner, drinks, a massage or even good conversation.    


You can find escorts online. Although there are some girls who use false photographs, most reputable escorts not only have a verified site, but are also reviewed either by former clients, their agencies or specialized sites and escort directories such as this one.


Many escorts tour. It might not be the same as a touring band of musicians, but these ladies get to see the world and broaden their client repertoire – maybe even learn a thing or two, who knows?  


Unlike prostitutes, escorts also have an elite group at the top of the pyramid, who usually service celebrities and multimillionaires. In 2007, New York magazine even mentioned one particular escort who made over $2,000 per hour during her peak, with many reports of other escorts earning even more than that.


Escorting is not only a legal activity in many countries, but it is also turning into a mainstream occupation in some. In Amsterdam for example, escorts pay taxes and even have organized unions.


The fact of the matter is that escorts are not only professional, clean, healthy and verified, they are usually quite intelligent as well, so they are always the better choice between themselves and prostitutes. 


(Pictured above is Ana Maria, 23, from Bucharest, Romania)

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