pt Cape Town Africa do Sul

Escort girl in Cape Town, Amanda Maine, The Garden of Eden

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This superlative High Class Model Escort has certainly raised the already very high bar in The Garden of Eden. Stunningly beautiful exceptionally bright. Amanda is sexy, stylish, warm and inviting -she exudes pleasure and passion with a personal touch like no other. Its really no surprise in the short time she has been with us that Amanda has been awarded the esteemed status of PREMIER MODEL ESCORT. Booking this young lady will certainly prove to be an excellent decision her proficiency, professionalism and overall package will prove to fit perfect to any desire or occasion. Premier Model Escort, High- Class GFE , VIP Hostess, Role Play, Dinner Dates, Luxury World-Wide Travel. Rates: R6000/hr, Overnight: R25 000 - R35 000

Amanda Maine

This superlative High Class Model Escort has certainly raised the already very high bar in The Garden of Eden. Stunningly beautiful exceptionally bright. Amanda is sexy, stylish, warm and inviting -she exudes pleasure and passion with a personal touch like no other. Its really no surprise in the short time she has been with us that Amanda has been awarded the esteemed status of PREMIER MODEL ESCORT. Booking this young lady will certainly prove to be an excellent decision her proficiency, professionalism and overall package will prove to fit perfect to any desire or occasion. Premier Model Escort, High- Class GFE , VIP Hostess, Role Play, Dinner Dates, Luxury World-Wide Travel. Rates: R6000/hr, Overnight: R25 000 - R35 000

Last updated: 30/03/2023


Número celular
País: Africa do Sul
Cidade: Cape Town

Detalhes pessoais

Comprimento do cabelo:
174 cm (5' 9")
Tamanho dos seios:
Serviço para:
Homem, Casal

Horário de trabalho

I am available 24/7

Preços para viagens & Condições

Destino da viagem

Europe only

Sobre mim

This superlative High Class Model Escort has certainly raised the already very high bar in The Garden of Eden. Stunningly beautiful exceptionally bright. Amanda is sexy, stylish, warm and inviting -she exudes pleasure and passion with a personal touch like no other. Its really no surprise in the short time she has been with us that Amanda has been awarded the esteemed status of PREMIER MODEL ESCORT. Booking this young lady will certainly prove to be an excellent decision her proficiency, professionalism and overall package will prove to fit perfect to any desire or occasion. Premier Model Escort, High- Class GFE , VIP Hostess, Role Play, Dinner Dates, Luxury World-Wide Travel. Rates: R6000/hr, Overnight: R25 000 - R35 000

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