pt Malmo Suécia

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27 Malmo,   Suécia
Acompanhante independente

Last updated: 23/02/2024

Hello gentilmans, I am back in city :)) I'm 26 years old and extremely friendly person I'm blessed with caramel complexion, soft and natural long blond hair, long legs and perfect figure, 1,73 cm, 38 shoes size and all natural body!

I'm a feminine figure therefore, I will wait you in a sexy lingerie or without if that's your desire.I'm very careful about your wishes and happy to care for you.

I'm your new girlfriend experience,a gorgeous doll with a loving personality! Just looking to have some FUN and make your day.

I will make you feel like at a date with your lover. Wanna have some fun.Come and enjoy total relaxation with me.You will enjoy my sweet and friendly attitude.Allowing you to relax and enjoy our time together.Young, pretty, and Really Sexy.

I like to have a good time with no limitations.

I’m waiting for a date with you

Come to visit me and I promise it will be UNFORGETTABLE

#cantravel  #completamentenatural
27 years old       Acompanhante independente in: Malmo,   Suécia
#cantravel   #completamentenatural

Hello gentilmans, I am back in city :)) I'm 26 years old and extremely friendly person I'm blessed with caramel complexion, soft and natural long blond hair, long legs and perfect figure, 1,73 cm, 38 shoes size and all natural body!

I'm a feminine figure therefore, I will wait you in a sexy lingerie or without if that's your desire.I'm very careful about your wishes and happy to care for you.

I'm your new girlfriend experience,a gorgeous doll with a loving personality! Just looking to have some FUN and make your day.

I will make you feel like at a date with your lover. Wanna have some fun.Come and enjoy total relaxation with me.You will enjoy my sweet and friendly attitude.Allowing you to relax and enjoy our time together.Young, pretty, and Really Sexy.

I like to have a good time with no limitations.

I’m waiting for a date with you

Come to visit me and I promise it will be UNFORGETTABLE

Last updated: 23/02/2024


Número celular
País: Suécia
Cidade: Malmo

Detalhes pessoais

Étnico :
Caucasiana (branca)
Comprimento do cabelo:
173 cm (5' 8")
Serviço para:
Homem, Mulher
Disponível para:

Serviços no meu local: Apartamento particular

Serviços para atendimento fora: Visitas em hotéis e casas

Suiço, Inglês

Horário de trabalho

I am available 24/7

Preços para viagens & Condições

Destino da viagem


Preços (2,000 / 1 h)

Atendimento fora Preços

1 hora:
2,200 SEK (~201 EUR)

No meu local Preços

1 hora:
2,000 SEK (~183 EUR)

Sobre mim

Hello gentilmans, I am back in city :)) I'm 26 years old and extremely friendly person I'm blessed with caramel complexion, soft and natural long blond hair, long legs and perfect figure, 1,73 cm, 38 shoes size and all natural body!

I'm a feminine figure therefore, I will wait you in a sexy lingerie or without if that's your desire.I'm very careful about your wishes and happy to care for you.

I'm your new girlfriend experience,a gorgeous doll with a loving personality! Just looking to have some FUN and make your day.

I will make you feel like at a date with your lover. Wanna have some fun.Come and enjoy total relaxation with me.You will enjoy my sweet and friendly attitude.Allowing you to relax and enjoy our time together.Young, pretty, and Really Sexy.

I like to have a good time with no limitations.

I’m waiting for a date with you

Come to visit me and I promise it will be UNFORGETTABLE

#Completamente natural


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