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Massage girl in Cape Town, Temptress

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Ultima vista online: 23/08/2023

Experience a sensual m***age that is based on mutual confidence & respect. Our m***age treatments are extremely erotic, in the complete nude, with body to body rubs & slides & you are also allowed to touch & m***age our bodies while you respect our boundaries. We respect privacy and we are discreet. We host from private apartment in Green Point. We also travel to hotels & private apartments in the vicinity Contact us +27762284326


Experience a sensual m***age that is based on mutual confidence & respect. Our m***age treatments are extremely erotic, in the complete nude, with body to body rubs & slides & you are also allowed to touch & m***age our bodies while you respect our boundaries. We respect privacy and we are discreet. We host from private apartment in Green Point. We also travel to hotels & private apartments in the vicinity Contact us +27762284326

Ultima vista online: 23/08/2023


Numero di telefono
SMS e chiamata
Città: Cape Town

Dati personali

Lunghezza dei capelli:
168 cm (5' 6")
Dimensioni coppa:
Servizio per:
Uomini, Donne, Coppie
Disponibile per:

Incall: Appartamento privato

Outcall: Visite in albergo e in casa


Orari di lavoro

Sono disponibile 24/7

Tariffe e condizioni di viaggio

Destinazioni di viaggio

Nessun viaggio

Chi sono

Experience a sensual m***age that is based on mutual confidence & respect. Our m***age treatments are extremely erotic, in the complete nude, with body to body rubs & slides & you are also allowed to touch & m***age our bodies while you respect our boundaries. We respect privacy and we are discreet. We host from private apartment in Green Point. We also travel to hotels & private apartments in the vicinity Contact us +27762284326

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