object(Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception)#410 (7) { ["message":protected]=> string(57) "Mysqli prepare error: Deadlock: wsrep aborted transaction" ["string":"Exception":private]=> string(0) "" ["code":protected]=> int(1213) ["file":protected]=> string(43) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php" ["line":protected]=> int(77) ["trace":"Exception":private]=> array(13) { [0]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(36) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Db/Statement.php" ["line"]=> int(115) ["function"]=> string(8) "_prepare" ["class"]=> string(24) "Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(71) "SELECT id, slug, title_en AS title FROM countries WHERE title_geoip = ?" } } [1]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(41) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php" ["line"]=> int(381) ["function"]=> string(11) "__construct" ["class"]=> string(17) "Zend_Db_Statement" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(Cubix_Db_Adapter_Mysqli)#244 (12) { ["_numericDataTypes":protected]=> array(16) { [0]=> int(0) [1]=> int(1) [2]=> int(2) ["INT"]=> int(0) ["INTEGER"]=> int(0) ["MEDIUMINT"]=> int(0) ["SMALLINT"]=> int(0) ["TINYINT"]=> int(0) ["BIGINT"]=> int(1) ["SERIAL"]=> int(1) ["DEC"]=> int(2) ["DECIMAL"]=> int(2) ["DOUBLE"]=> int(2) ["DOUBLE PRECISION"]=> int(2) ["FIXED"]=> int(2) ["FLOAT"]=> int(2) } ["_stmt":protected]=> object(Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli)#1386 (12) { ["_keys":protected]=> NULL ["_values":protected]=> NULL ["_meta":protected]=> NULL ["_stmt":protected]=> NULL ["_adapter":protected]=> *RECURSION* ["_fetchMode":protected]=> int(5) ["_attribute":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_bindColumn":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_bindParam":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_sqlSplit":protected]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(3339) " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS e.id, e.showname, e.age, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.date_registered) AS date_registered, e.user_id, e.is_pornstar, e.last_hand_verification_date, e.is_inactive, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.date_activated) AS date_activated, ct.slug AS city_slug, ct.id AS city_id, ct.title_en AS city, e.rates, e.incall_type, e.outcall_type, e.is_new, cr.id AS country_id, cr.slug AS country_slug, cr.title_en AS country, e.verified_status, e.photo_hash, e.photo_ext, e.photo_args, e.photo_status, 69 AS application_id, e.incall_currency, e.incall_price, e.outcall_currency, e.outcall_price, e.comment_count, e.review_count, e.travel_place, e.email, e.website, e.phone_instr, e.phone_instr_no_withheld, e.phone_instr_other, e.phone_country_id, e.disable_phone_prefix, e.phone_number_free AS phone_number, IF (ulrt.refresh_date >= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -5 MINUTE), 1, 0) AS is_login, e.allow_show_online, e.hit_count, e.slogan, e.incall_price, e.date_last_modified, eic.is_premium, eic.is_vip, e.hh_is_active, e.is_on_tour AS is_tour, e.tour_date_from, e.tour_date_to, ctt.title_en AS tour_city, e.is_suspicious, e.is_online, ct.id AS city_id, CASE WHEN LENGTH(e.about_en) > 0 THEN e.about_en WHEN LENGTH(e.about_de) > 0 THEN e.about_de WHEN LENGTH(e.about_en) > 0 THEN e.about_en WHEN LENGTH(e.about_es) > 0 THEN e.about_es WHEN LENGTH(e.about_fr) > 0 THEN e.about_fr WHEN LENGTH(e.about_it) > 0 THEN e.about_it WHEN LENGTH(e.about_pt) > 0 THEN e.about_pt WHEN LENGTH(e.about_ro) > 0 THEN e.about_ro ELSE e.about_en END AS about , e.agency_name, (e.incall_price / er.rate) * 0 AS incall_price_converted, e.agency_slug, e.agency_id, eic.type as escort_type, ulrt.refresh_date AS refresh_date , ((2 * 6371 * ATAN2( SQRT( POWER(SIN((RADIANS(39.961380004883 - ct.latitude))/2), 2) + COS(RADIANS(ct.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(39.961380004883)) * POWER(SIN((RADIANS(-82.997749328613 - ct.longitude))/2), 2) ), SQRT(1-( POWER(SIN((RADIANS(39.961380004883 - ct.latitude))/2), 2) + COS(RADIANS(ct.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(39.961380004883)) * POWER(SIN((RADIANS(-82.997749328613 - ct.longitude))/2), 2) )) ) )) AS distance FROM escorts_in_cities eic /*USE INDEX(by_googo3)*/ INNER JOIN escorts e ON e.id = eic.escort_id INNER JOIN cities ct ON ct.id = eic.city_id INNER JOIN countries cr ON cr.id = ct.country_id LEFT JOIN users_last_refresh_time ulrt ON ulrt.user_id = e.user_id LEFT JOIN cities ctt ON ctt.id = e.tour_city_id /*LEFT JOIN countries crtt ON crtt.id = ctt.country_id*/ LEFT JOIN currencies cur ON cur.id = e.incall_currency LEFT JOIN exchange_rates er ON er.iso = cur.title WHERE eic.gender = 1 AND eic.is_premium = 1 AND eic.is_vip = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(16, e.products) = 0 AND ( FIND_IN_SET(4, e.products) > 0 OR ( cr.iso = AND FIND_IN_SET(15, e.products ) > 0 )) AND eic.is_inactive = 0 AND eic.is_base = 1 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_1) = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_2) = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_3) = 0 GROUP BY eic.escort_id ORDER BY distance ASC, e.is_vip DESC, eic.is_premium DESC, eic.ordering DESC" } ["_sqlParam":protected]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(3339) " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS e.id, e.showname, e.age, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.date_registered) AS date_registered, e.user_id, e.is_pornstar, e.last_hand_verification_date, e.is_inactive, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.date_activated) AS date_activated, ct.slug AS city_slug, ct.id AS city_id, ct.title_en AS city, e.rates, e.incall_type, e.outcall_type, e.is_new, cr.id AS country_id, cr.slug AS country_slug, cr.title_en AS country, e.verified_status, e.photo_hash, e.photo_ext, e.photo_args, e.photo_status, 69 AS application_id, e.incall_currency, e.incall_price, e.outcall_currency, e.outcall_price, e.comment_count, e.review_count, e.travel_place, e.email, e.website, e.phone_instr, e.phone_instr_no_withheld, e.phone_instr_other, e.phone_country_id, e.disable_phone_prefix, e.phone_number_free AS phone_number, IF (ulrt.refresh_date >= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -5 MINUTE), 1, 0) AS is_login, e.allow_show_online, e.hit_count, e.slogan, e.incall_price, e.date_last_modified, eic.is_premium, eic.is_vip, e.hh_is_active, e.is_on_tour AS is_tour, e.tour_date_from, e.tour_date_to, ctt.title_en AS tour_city, e.is_suspicious, e.is_online, ct.id AS city_id, CASE WHEN LENGTH(e.about_en) > 0 THEN e.about_en WHEN LENGTH(e.about_de) > 0 THEN e.about_de WHEN LENGTH(e.about_en) > 0 THEN e.about_en WHEN LENGTH(e.about_es) > 0 THEN e.about_es WHEN LENGTH(e.about_fr) > 0 THEN e.about_fr WHEN LENGTH(e.about_it) > 0 THEN e.about_it WHEN LENGTH(e.about_pt) > 0 THEN e.about_pt WHEN LENGTH(e.about_ro) > 0 THEN e.about_ro ELSE e.about_en END AS about , e.agency_name, (e.incall_price / er.rate) * 0 AS incall_price_converted, e.agency_slug, e.agency_id, eic.type as escort_type, ulrt.refresh_date AS refresh_date , ((2 * 6371 * ATAN2( SQRT( POWER(SIN((RADIANS(39.961380004883 - ct.latitude))/2), 2) + COS(RADIANS(ct.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(39.961380004883)) * POWER(SIN((RADIANS(-82.997749328613 - ct.longitude))/2), 2) ), SQRT(1-( POWER(SIN((RADIANS(39.961380004883 - ct.latitude))/2), 2) + COS(RADIANS(ct.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(39.961380004883)) * POWER(SIN((RADIANS(-82.997749328613 - ct.longitude))/2), 2) )) ) )) AS distance FROM escorts_in_cities eic /*USE INDEX(by_googo3)*/ INNER JOIN escorts e ON e.id = eic.escort_id INNER JOIN cities ct ON ct.id = eic.city_id INNER JOIN countries cr ON cr.id = ct.country_id LEFT JOIN users_last_refresh_time ulrt ON ulrt.user_id = e.user_id LEFT JOIN cities ctt ON ctt.id = e.tour_city_id /*LEFT JOIN countries crtt ON crtt.id = ctt.country_id*/ LEFT JOIN currencies cur ON cur.id = e.incall_currency LEFT JOIN exchange_rates er ON er.iso = cur.title WHERE eic.gender = 1 AND eic.is_premium = 1 AND eic.is_vip = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(16, e.products) = 0 AND ( FIND_IN_SET(4, e.products) > 0 OR ( cr.iso = AND FIND_IN_SET(15, e.products ) > 0 )) AND eic.is_inactive = 0 AND eic.is_base = 1 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_1) = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_2) = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_3) = 0 GROUP BY eic.escort_id ORDER BY distance ASC, e.is_vip DESC, eic.is_premium DESC, eic.ordering DESC" } ["_queryId":protected]=> NULL } ["_defaultStmtClass":protected]=> string(24) "Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli" ["_config":protected]=> array(9) { ["charset"]=> string(4) "utf8" ["host"]=> string(6) "galera" ["port"]=> string(5) "13306" ["password"]=> string(6) "654321" ["username"]=> string(14) "ed_cubix_front" ["dbname"]=> string(23) "escortdirectory_com_www" ["persistent"]=> bool(false) ["options"]=> array(2) { ["caseFolding"]=> int(0) ["autoQuoteIdentifiers"]=> bool(true) } ["driver_options"]=> array(0) { } } ["_fetchMode":protected]=> int(5) ["_profiler":protected]=> object(Zend_Db_Profiler)#245 (4) { ["_queryProfiles":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_enabled":protected]=> bool(false) ["_filterElapsedSecs":protected]=> NULL ["_filterTypes":protected]=> NULL } ["_defaultProfilerClass":protected]=> string(16) "Zend_Db_Profiler" ["_connection":protected]=> object(mysqli)#247 (19) { ["affected_rows"]=> int(-1) ["client_info"]=> string(79) "mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 7cc7cc96e675f6d72e5cf0f267f48e167c2abb23 $" ["client_version"]=> int(50012) ["connect_errno"]=> int(0) ["connect_error"]=> NULL ["errno"]=> int(1213) ["error"]=> string(35) "Deadlock: wsrep aborted transaction" ["error_list"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(3) { ["errno"]=> int(1213) ["sqlstate"]=> string(5) "40001" ["error"]=> string(35) "Deadlock: wsrep aborted transaction" } } ["field_count"]=> int(64) ["host_info"]=> string(17) "galera via TCP/IP" ["info"]=> NULL ["insert_id"]=> int(0) ["server_info"]=> string(21) "5.5.5-10.3.39-MariaDB" ["server_version"]=> int(100339) ["stat"]=> string(154) "Uptime: 7604137 Threads: 56 Questions: 6703197757 Slow queries: 287 Opens: 185993 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 1052 Queries per second avg: 881.519" ["sqlstate"]=> string(5) "00000" ["protocol_version"]=> int(10) ["thread_id"]=> int(18892579) ["warning_count"]=> int(0) } ["_caseFolding":protected]=> int(0) ["_autoQuoteIdentifiers":protected]=> bool(true) ["_allowSerialization":protected]=> bool(true) ["_autoReconnectOnUnserialize":protected]=> bool(false) } [1]=> string(71) "SELECT id, slug, title_en AS title FROM countries WHERE title_geoip = ?" } } [2]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(44) "/var/www/library/Cubix/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php" ["line"]=> int(38) ["function"]=> string(7) "prepare" ["class"]=> string(22) "Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(71) "SELECT id, slug, title_en AS title FROM countries WHERE title_geoip = ?" } } [3]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(43) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php" ["line"]=> int(725) ["function"]=> string(5) "query" ["class"]=> string(23) "Cubix_Db_Adapter_Mysqli" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(71) "SELECT id, slug, title_en AS title FROM countries WHERE title_geoip = ?" [1]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(24) "United States of America" } } } [4]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(62) "/var/www/www.escortdirectory.com/application/models/Cities.php" ["line"]=> int(163) ["function"]=> string(8) "fetchRow" ["class"]=> string(24) "Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(71) "SELECT id, slug, title_en AS title FROM countries WHERE title_geoip = ?" [1]=> string(24) "United States of America" } } [5]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(76) "/var/www/www.escortdirectory.com/application/controllers/ErrorController.php" ["line"]=> int(91) ["function"]=> string(10) "getByGeoIp" ["class"]=> string(12) "Model_Cities" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [6]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(41) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Controller/Action.php" ["line"]=> int(513) ["function"]=> string(11) "errorAction" ["class"]=> string(15) "ErrorController" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [7]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(54) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php" ["line"]=> int(289) ["function"]=> string(8) "dispatch" ["class"]=> string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(11) "errorAction" } } [8]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(40) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Controller/Front.php" ["line"]=> int(954) ["function"]=> string(8) "dispatch" ["class"]=> string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#315 (15) { ["_paramSources":protected]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "_GET" [1]=> string(5) "_POST" } ["_requestUri":protected]=> string(214) "/escorts/?nosubid=1zgreuv%2Fro%2F%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fit%2F%2Fit%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fit%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fit%2F%2F%2Fes%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fde%2F%2F%2F%2Fde%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Ffr%2F%2Fes%2F/" ["_baseUrl":protected]=> string(0) "" ["_basePath":protected]=> NULL ["_pathInfo":protected]=> string(7) "escorts" ["_params":protected]=> array(9) { [1]=> string(0) "" ["lang_id"]=> string(2) "en" ["p_top_category"]=> string(7) "escorts" ["module"]=> string(7) "default" ["controller"]=> string(7) "escorts" ["action"]=> string(5) "index" ["chatVersion"]=> int(2) ["sort"]=> string(11) "close-to-me" ["error_handler"]=> object(ArrayObject)#399 (1) { ["storage":"ArrayObject":private]=> array(3) { ["exception"]=> object(Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception)#414 (7) { ["message":protected]=> string(64) "Mysqli statement execute error : Query execution was interrupted" ["string":"Exception":private]=> string(0) "" ["code":protected]=> int(1317) ["file":protected]=> string(43) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php" ["line":protected]=> int(214) ["trace":"Exception":private]=> array(13) { [0]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(36) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Db/Statement.php" ["line"]=> int(300) ["function"]=> string(8) "_execute" ["class"]=> string(24) "Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(0) { } } } [1]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(44) "/var/www/library/Cubix/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php" ["line"]=> int(39) ["function"]=> string(7) "execute" ["class"]=> string(17) "Zend_Db_Statement" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(0) { } } } [2]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(43) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php" ["line"]=> int(706) ["function"]=> string(5) "query" ["class"]=> string(23) "Cubix_Db_Adapter_Mysqli" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(3343) " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS e.id, e.showname, e.age, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.date_registered) AS date_registered, e.user_id, e.is_pornstar, e.last_hand_verification_date, e.is_inactive, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.date_activated) AS date_activated, ct.slug AS city_slug, ct.id AS city_id, ct.title_en AS city, e.rates, e.incall_type, e.outcall_type, e.is_new, cr.id AS country_id, cr.slug AS country_slug, cr.title_en AS country, e.verified_status, e.photo_hash, e.photo_ext, e.photo_args, e.photo_status, 69 AS application_id, e.incall_currency, e.incall_price, e.outcall_currency, e.outcall_price, e.comment_count, e.review_count, e.travel_place, e.email, e.website, e.phone_instr, e.phone_instr_no_withheld, e.phone_instr_other, e.phone_country_id, e.disable_phone_prefix, e.phone_number_free AS phone_number, IF (ulrt.refresh_date >= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -5 MINUTE), 1, 0) AS is_login, e.allow_show_online, e.hit_count, e.slogan, e.incall_price, e.date_last_modified, eic.is_premium, eic.is_vip, e.hh_is_active, e.is_on_tour AS is_tour, e.tour_date_from, e.tour_date_to, ctt.title_en AS tour_city, e.is_suspicious, e.is_online, ct.id AS city_id, CASE WHEN LENGTH(e.about_en) > 0 THEN e.about_en WHEN LENGTH(e.about_de) > 0 THEN e.about_de WHEN LENGTH(e.about_en) > 0 THEN e.about_en WHEN LENGTH(e.about_es) > 0 THEN e.about_es WHEN LENGTH(e.about_fr) > 0 THEN e.about_fr WHEN LENGTH(e.about_it) > 0 THEN e.about_it WHEN LENGTH(e.about_pt) > 0 THEN e.about_pt WHEN LENGTH(e.about_ro) > 0 THEN e.about_ro ELSE e.about_en END AS about , e.agency_name, (e.incall_price / er.rate) * 0 AS incall_price_converted, e.agency_slug, e.agency_id, eic.type as escort_type, ulrt.refresh_date AS refresh_date , ((2 * 6371 * ATAN2( SQRT( POWER(SIN((RADIANS(39.961380004883 - ct.latitude))/2), 2) + COS(RADIANS(ct.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(39.961380004883)) * POWER(SIN((RADIANS(-82.997749328613 - ct.longitude))/2), 2) ), SQRT(1-( POWER(SIN((RADIANS(39.961380004883 - ct.latitude))/2), 2) + COS(RADIANS(ct.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(39.961380004883)) * POWER(SIN((RADIANS(-82.997749328613 - ct.longitude))/2), 2) )) ) )) AS distance FROM escorts_in_cities eic /*USE INDEX(by_googo3)*/ INNER JOIN escorts e ON e.id = eic.escort_id INNER JOIN cities ct ON ct.id = eic.city_id INNER JOIN countries cr ON cr.id = ct.country_id LEFT JOIN users_last_refresh_time ulrt ON ulrt.user_id = e.user_id LEFT JOIN cities ctt ON ctt.id = e.tour_city_id /*LEFT JOIN countries crtt ON crtt.id = ctt.country_id*/ LEFT JOIN currencies cur ON cur.id = e.incall_currency LEFT JOIN exchange_rates er ON er.iso = cur.title WHERE eic.gender = 1 AND eic.is_premium = 1 AND eic.is_vip = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(16, e.products) = 0 AND ( FIND_IN_SET(4, e.products) > 0 OR ( cr.iso = 'us' AND FIND_IN_SET(15, e.products ) > 0 )) AND eic.is_inactive = 0 AND eic.is_base = 1 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_1) = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_2) = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_3) = 0 GROUP BY eic.escort_id ORDER BY distance ASC, e.is_vip DESC, eic.is_premium DESC, eic.ordering DESC" [1]=> array(0) { } } } [3]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(67) "/var/www/www.escortdirectory.com/application/models/Escort/List.php" ["line"]=> int(1133) ["function"]=> string(8) "fetchAll" ["class"]=> string(24) "Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(3343) " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS e.id, e.showname, e.age, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.date_registered) AS date_registered, e.user_id, e.is_pornstar, e.last_hand_verification_date, e.is_inactive, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.date_activated) AS date_activated, ct.slug AS city_slug, ct.id AS city_id, ct.title_en AS city, e.rates, e.incall_type, e.outcall_type, e.is_new, cr.id AS country_id, cr.slug AS country_slug, cr.title_en AS country, e.verified_status, e.photo_hash, e.photo_ext, e.photo_args, e.photo_status, 69 AS application_id, e.incall_currency, e.incall_price, e.outcall_currency, e.outcall_price, e.comment_count, e.review_count, e.travel_place, e.email, e.website, e.phone_instr, e.phone_instr_no_withheld, e.phone_instr_other, e.phone_country_id, e.disable_phone_prefix, e.phone_number_free AS phone_number, IF (ulrt.refresh_date >= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -5 MINUTE), 1, 0) AS is_login, e.allow_show_online, e.hit_count, e.slogan, e.incall_price, e.date_last_modified, eic.is_premium, eic.is_vip, e.hh_is_active, e.is_on_tour AS is_tour, e.tour_date_from, e.tour_date_to, ctt.title_en AS tour_city, e.is_suspicious, e.is_online, ct.id AS city_id, CASE WHEN LENGTH(e.about_en) > 0 THEN e.about_en WHEN LENGTH(e.about_de) > 0 THEN e.about_de WHEN LENGTH(e.about_en) > 0 THEN e.about_en WHEN LENGTH(e.about_es) > 0 THEN e.about_es WHEN LENGTH(e.about_fr) > 0 THEN e.about_fr WHEN LENGTH(e.about_it) > 0 THEN e.about_it WHEN LENGTH(e.about_pt) > 0 THEN e.about_pt WHEN LENGTH(e.about_ro) > 0 THEN e.about_ro ELSE e.about_en END AS about , e.agency_name, (e.incall_price / er.rate) * 0 AS incall_price_converted, e.agency_slug, e.agency_id, eic.type as escort_type, ulrt.refresh_date AS refresh_date , ((2 * 6371 * ATAN2( SQRT( POWER(SIN((RADIANS(39.961380004883 - ct.latitude))/2), 2) + COS(RADIANS(ct.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(39.961380004883)) * POWER(SIN((RADIANS(-82.997749328613 - ct.longitude))/2), 2) ), SQRT(1-( POWER(SIN((RADIANS(39.961380004883 - ct.latitude))/2), 2) + COS(RADIANS(ct.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(39.961380004883)) * POWER(SIN((RADIANS(-82.997749328613 - ct.longitude))/2), 2) )) ) )) AS distance FROM escorts_in_cities eic /*USE INDEX(by_googo3)*/ INNER JOIN escorts e ON e.id = eic.escort_id INNER JOIN cities ct ON ct.id = eic.city_id INNER JOIN countries cr ON cr.id = ct.country_id LEFT JOIN users_last_refresh_time ulrt ON ulrt.user_id = e.user_id LEFT JOIN cities ctt ON ctt.id = e.tour_city_id /*LEFT JOIN countries crtt ON crtt.id = ctt.country_id*/ LEFT JOIN currencies cur ON cur.id = e.incall_currency LEFT JOIN exchange_rates er ON er.iso = cur.title WHERE eic.gender = 1 AND eic.is_premium = 1 AND eic.is_vip = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(16, e.products) = 0 AND ( FIND_IN_SET(4, e.products) > 0 OR ( cr.iso = 'us' AND FIND_IN_SET(15, e.products ) > 0 )) AND eic.is_inactive = 0 AND eic.is_base = 1 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_1) = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_2) = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_3) = 0 GROUP BY eic.escort_id ORDER BY distance ASC, e.is_vip DESC, eic.is_premium DESC, eic.ordering DESC" } } [4]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(67) "/var/www/www.escortdirectory.com/application/models/Escort/List.php" ["line"]=> int(2086) ["function"]=> string(21) "getFilteredWhereQuery" ["class"]=> string(17) "Model_Escort_List" ["type"]=> string(2) "::" ["args"]=> array(13) { [0]=> array(5) { ["eic.gender = 1"]=> array(0) { } [" eic.is_premium = 1 AND eic.is_vip = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(16, e.products) = 0"]=> array(0) { } ["( FIND_IN_SET(4, e.products) > 0 OR ( cr.iso = ? AND FIND_IN_SET(15, e.products ) > 0 )) "]=> string(2) "us" ["eic.is_inactive = 0"]=> array(0) { } ["eic.is_base = 1"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> string(8) "premiums" [2]=> int(1) [3]=> int(45) [4]=> int(0) [5]=> bool(false) [6]=> bool(false) [7]=> array(1) { ["currency"]=> string(3) "EUR" } [8]=> bool(false) [9]=> array(7) { ["ip"]=> string(13) "" ["country"]=> string(24) "United States of America" ["country_iso"]=> string(2) "us" ["region"]=> string(4) "Ohio" ["city"]=> string(8) "Columbus" ["latitude"]=> float(39.961380004883) ["longitude"]=> float(-82.997749328613) } [10]=> string(7) "gallery" [11]=> NULL [12]=> NULL } } [5]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(78) "/var/www/www.escortdirectory.com/application/controllers/EscortsController.php" ["line"]=> int(1432) ["function"]=> string(11) "getFiltered" ["class"]=> string(17) "Model_Escort_List" ["type"]=> string(2) "::" ["args"]=> array(19) { [0]=> array(2) { ["eic.gender = 1"]=> array(0) { } ["show_all_agency_escorts"]=> bool(true) } [1]=> string(11) "close-to-me" [2]=> int(1) [3]=> int(45) [4]=> int(0) [5]=> string(12) "regular_list" [6]=> bool(false) [7]=> array(1) { ["currency"]=> string(3) "EUR" } [8]=> NULL [9]=> array(7) { ["ip"]=> string(13) "" ["country"]=> string(24) "United States of America" ["country_iso"]=> string(2) "us" ["region"]=> string(4) "Ohio" ["city"]=> string(8) "Columbus" ["latitude"]=> float(39.961380004883) ["longitude"]=> float(-82.997749328613) } [10]=> string(7) "gallery" [11]=> string(7) "escorts" [12]=> NULL [13]=> NULL [14]=> string(3) "USD" [15]=> bool(true) [16]=> array(0) { } [17]=> bool(false) [18]=> int(0) } } [6]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(41) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Controller/Action.php" ["line"]=> int(513) ["function"]=> string(11) "indexAction" ["class"]=> string(17) "EscortsController" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [7]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(54) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php" ["line"]=> int(289) ["function"]=> string(8) "dispatch" ["class"]=> string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(11) "indexAction" } } [8]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(40) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Controller/Front.php" ["line"]=> int(954) ["function"]=> string(8) "dispatch" ["class"]=> string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> *RECURSION* [1]=> object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)#316 (8) { ["_body":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_exceptions":protected]=> array(2) { [0]=> *RECURSION* [1]=> *RECURSION* } ["_headers":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_headersRaw":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_httpResponseCode":protected]=> int(200) ["_isRedirect":protected]=> bool(false) ["_renderExceptions":protected]=> bool(false) ["headersSentThrowsException"]=> bool(true) } } } [9]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(55) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php" ["line"]=> int(97) ["function"]=> string(8) "dispatch" ["class"]=> string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [10]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(58) "/var/www/www.escortdirectory.com/application/Bootstrap.php" ["line"]=> int(30) ["function"]=> string(3) "run" ["class"]=> string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [11]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(35) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Application.php" ["line"]=> int(366) ["function"]=> string(3) "run" ["class"]=> string(9) "Bootstrap" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [12]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(49) "/var/www/www.escortdirectory.com/public/index.php" ["line"]=> int(367) ["function"]=> string(3) "run" ["class"]=> string(16) "Zend_Application" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } } ["previous":"Exception":private]=> NULL } ["type"]=> string(15) "EXCEPTION_OTHER" ["request"]=> object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#248 (15) { ["_paramSources":protected]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "_GET" [1]=> string(5) "_POST" } ["_requestUri":protected]=> string(214) "/escorts/?nosubid=1zgreuv%2Fro%2F%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fit%2F%2Fit%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fit%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fit%2F%2F%2Fes%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fde%2F%2F%2F%2Fde%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Ffr%2F%2Fes%2F/" ["_baseUrl":protected]=> string(0) "" ["_basePath":protected]=> NULL ["_pathInfo":protected]=> string(7) "escorts" ["_params":protected]=> array(8) { [1]=> string(0) "" ["lang_id"]=> string(2) "en" ["p_top_category"]=> string(7) "escorts" ["module"]=> string(7) "default" ["controller"]=> string(7) "escorts" ["action"]=> string(5) "index" ["chatVersion"]=> int(2) ["sort"]=> string(11) "close-to-me" } ["_rawBody":protected]=> NULL ["_aliases":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_dispatched":protected]=> bool(true) ["_module":protected]=> string(7) "default" ["_moduleKey":protected]=> string(6) "module" ["_controller":protected]=> string(7) "escorts" ["_controllerKey":protected]=> string(10) "controller" ["_action":protected]=> string(5) "index" ["_actionKey":protected]=> string(6) "action" } } } } ["_rawBody":protected]=> NULL ["_aliases":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_dispatched":protected]=> bool(true) ["_module":protected]=> string(7) "default" ["_moduleKey":protected]=> string(6) "module" ["_controller":protected]=> string(5) "error" ["_controllerKey":protected]=> string(10) "controller" ["_action":protected]=> string(5) "error" ["_actionKey":protected]=> string(6) "action" } [1]=> object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)#316 (8) { ["_body":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_exceptions":protected]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception)#414 (7) { ["message":protected]=> string(64) "Mysqli statement execute error : Query execution was interrupted" ["string":"Exception":private]=> string(0) "" ["code":protected]=> int(1317) ["file":protected]=> string(43) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php" ["line":protected]=> int(214) ["trace":"Exception":private]=> array(13) { [0]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(36) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Db/Statement.php" ["line"]=> int(300) ["function"]=> string(8) "_execute" ["class"]=> string(24) "Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(0) { } } } [1]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(44) "/var/www/library/Cubix/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php" ["line"]=> int(39) ["function"]=> string(7) "execute" ["class"]=> string(17) "Zend_Db_Statement" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(0) { } } } [2]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(43) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php" ["line"]=> int(706) ["function"]=> string(5) "query" ["class"]=> string(23) "Cubix_Db_Adapter_Mysqli" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(3343) " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS e.id, e.showname, e.age, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.date_registered) AS date_registered, e.user_id, e.is_pornstar, e.last_hand_verification_date, e.is_inactive, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.date_activated) AS date_activated, ct.slug AS city_slug, ct.id AS city_id, ct.title_en AS city, e.rates, e.incall_type, e.outcall_type, e.is_new, cr.id AS country_id, cr.slug AS country_slug, cr.title_en AS country, e.verified_status, e.photo_hash, e.photo_ext, e.photo_args, e.photo_status, 69 AS application_id, e.incall_currency, e.incall_price, e.outcall_currency, e.outcall_price, e.comment_count, e.review_count, e.travel_place, e.email, e.website, e.phone_instr, e.phone_instr_no_withheld, e.phone_instr_other, e.phone_country_id, e.disable_phone_prefix, e.phone_number_free AS phone_number, IF (ulrt.refresh_date >= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -5 MINUTE), 1, 0) AS is_login, e.allow_show_online, e.hit_count, e.slogan, e.incall_price, e.date_last_modified, eic.is_premium, eic.is_vip, e.hh_is_active, e.is_on_tour AS is_tour, e.tour_date_from, e.tour_date_to, ctt.title_en AS tour_city, e.is_suspicious, e.is_online, ct.id AS city_id, CASE WHEN LENGTH(e.about_en) > 0 THEN e.about_en WHEN LENGTH(e.about_de) > 0 THEN e.about_de WHEN LENGTH(e.about_en) > 0 THEN e.about_en WHEN LENGTH(e.about_es) > 0 THEN e.about_es WHEN LENGTH(e.about_fr) > 0 THEN e.about_fr WHEN LENGTH(e.about_it) > 0 THEN e.about_it WHEN LENGTH(e.about_pt) > 0 THEN e.about_pt WHEN LENGTH(e.about_ro) > 0 THEN e.about_ro ELSE e.about_en END AS about , e.agency_name, (e.incall_price / er.rate) * 0 AS incall_price_converted, e.agency_slug, e.agency_id, eic.type as escort_type, ulrt.refresh_date AS refresh_date , ((2 * 6371 * ATAN2( SQRT( POWER(SIN((RADIANS(39.961380004883 - ct.latitude))/2), 2) + COS(RADIANS(ct.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(39.961380004883)) * POWER(SIN((RADIANS(-82.997749328613 - ct.longitude))/2), 2) ), SQRT(1-( POWER(SIN((RADIANS(39.961380004883 - ct.latitude))/2), 2) + COS(RADIANS(ct.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(39.961380004883)) * POWER(SIN((RADIANS(-82.997749328613 - ct.longitude))/2), 2) )) ) )) AS distance FROM escorts_in_cities eic /*USE INDEX(by_googo3)*/ INNER JOIN escorts e ON e.id = eic.escort_id INNER JOIN cities ct ON ct.id = eic.city_id INNER JOIN countries cr ON cr.id = ct.country_id LEFT JOIN users_last_refresh_time ulrt ON ulrt.user_id = e.user_id LEFT JOIN cities ctt ON ctt.id = e.tour_city_id /*LEFT JOIN countries crtt ON crtt.id = ctt.country_id*/ LEFT JOIN currencies cur ON cur.id = e.incall_currency LEFT JOIN exchange_rates er ON er.iso = cur.title WHERE eic.gender = 1 AND eic.is_premium = 1 AND eic.is_vip = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(16, e.products) = 0 AND ( FIND_IN_SET(4, e.products) > 0 OR ( cr.iso = 'us' AND FIND_IN_SET(15, e.products ) > 0 )) AND eic.is_inactive = 0 AND eic.is_base = 1 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_1) = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_2) = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_3) = 0 GROUP BY eic.escort_id ORDER BY distance ASC, e.is_vip DESC, eic.is_premium DESC, eic.ordering DESC" [1]=> array(0) { } } } [3]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(67) "/var/www/www.escortdirectory.com/application/models/Escort/List.php" ["line"]=> int(1133) ["function"]=> string(8) "fetchAll" ["class"]=> string(24) "Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(3343) " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS e.id, e.showname, e.age, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.date_registered) AS date_registered, e.user_id, e.is_pornstar, e.last_hand_verification_date, e.is_inactive, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.date_activated) AS date_activated, ct.slug AS city_slug, ct.id AS city_id, ct.title_en AS city, e.rates, e.incall_type, e.outcall_type, e.is_new, cr.id AS country_id, cr.slug AS country_slug, cr.title_en AS country, e.verified_status, e.photo_hash, e.photo_ext, e.photo_args, e.photo_status, 69 AS application_id, e.incall_currency, e.incall_price, e.outcall_currency, e.outcall_price, e.comment_count, e.review_count, e.travel_place, e.email, e.website, e.phone_instr, e.phone_instr_no_withheld, e.phone_instr_other, e.phone_country_id, e.disable_phone_prefix, e.phone_number_free AS phone_number, IF (ulrt.refresh_date >= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -5 MINUTE), 1, 0) AS is_login, e.allow_show_online, e.hit_count, e.slogan, e.incall_price, e.date_last_modified, eic.is_premium, eic.is_vip, e.hh_is_active, e.is_on_tour AS is_tour, e.tour_date_from, e.tour_date_to, ctt.title_en AS tour_city, e.is_suspicious, e.is_online, ct.id AS city_id, CASE WHEN LENGTH(e.about_en) > 0 THEN e.about_en WHEN LENGTH(e.about_de) > 0 THEN e.about_de WHEN LENGTH(e.about_en) > 0 THEN e.about_en WHEN LENGTH(e.about_es) > 0 THEN e.about_es WHEN LENGTH(e.about_fr) > 0 THEN e.about_fr WHEN LENGTH(e.about_it) > 0 THEN e.about_it WHEN LENGTH(e.about_pt) > 0 THEN e.about_pt WHEN LENGTH(e.about_ro) > 0 THEN e.about_ro ELSE e.about_en END AS about , e.agency_name, (e.incall_price / er.rate) * 0 AS incall_price_converted, e.agency_slug, e.agency_id, eic.type as escort_type, ulrt.refresh_date AS refresh_date , ((2 * 6371 * ATAN2( SQRT( POWER(SIN((RADIANS(39.961380004883 - ct.latitude))/2), 2) + COS(RADIANS(ct.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(39.961380004883)) * POWER(SIN((RADIANS(-82.997749328613 - ct.longitude))/2), 2) ), SQRT(1-( POWER(SIN((RADIANS(39.961380004883 - ct.latitude))/2), 2) + COS(RADIANS(ct.latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(39.961380004883)) * POWER(SIN((RADIANS(-82.997749328613 - ct.longitude))/2), 2) )) ) )) AS distance FROM escorts_in_cities eic /*USE INDEX(by_googo3)*/ INNER JOIN escorts e ON e.id = eic.escort_id INNER JOIN cities ct ON ct.id = eic.city_id INNER JOIN countries cr ON cr.id = ct.country_id LEFT JOIN users_last_refresh_time ulrt ON ulrt.user_id = e.user_id LEFT JOIN cities ctt ON ctt.id = e.tour_city_id /*LEFT JOIN countries crtt ON crtt.id = ctt.country_id*/ LEFT JOIN currencies cur ON cur.id = e.incall_currency LEFT JOIN exchange_rates er ON er.iso = cur.title WHERE eic.gender = 1 AND eic.is_premium = 1 AND eic.is_vip = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(16, e.products) = 0 AND ( FIND_IN_SET(4, e.products) > 0 OR ( cr.iso = 'us' AND FIND_IN_SET(15, e.products ) > 0 )) AND eic.is_inactive = 0 AND eic.is_base = 1 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_1) = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_2) = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(68, e.blacklisted_countries_3) = 0 GROUP BY eic.escort_id ORDER BY distance ASC, e.is_vip DESC, eic.is_premium DESC, eic.ordering DESC" } } [4]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(67) "/var/www/www.escortdirectory.com/application/models/Escort/List.php" ["line"]=> int(2086) ["function"]=> string(21) "getFilteredWhereQuery" ["class"]=> string(17) "Model_Escort_List" ["type"]=> string(2) "::" ["args"]=> array(13) { [0]=> array(5) { ["eic.gender = 1"]=> array(0) { } [" eic.is_premium = 1 AND eic.is_vip = 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(16, e.products) = 0"]=> array(0) { } ["( FIND_IN_SET(4, e.products) > 0 OR ( cr.iso = ? AND FIND_IN_SET(15, e.products ) > 0 )) "]=> string(2) "us" ["eic.is_inactive = 0"]=> array(0) { } ["eic.is_base = 1"]=> array(0) { } } [1]=> string(8) "premiums" [2]=> int(1) [3]=> int(45) [4]=> int(0) [5]=> bool(false) [6]=> bool(false) [7]=> array(1) { ["currency"]=> string(3) "EUR" } [8]=> bool(false) [9]=> array(7) { ["ip"]=> string(13) "" ["country"]=> string(24) "United States of America" ["country_iso"]=> string(2) "us" ["region"]=> string(4) "Ohio" ["city"]=> string(8) "Columbus" ["latitude"]=> float(39.961380004883) ["longitude"]=> float(-82.997749328613) } [10]=> string(7) "gallery" [11]=> NULL [12]=> NULL } } [5]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(78) "/var/www/www.escortdirectory.com/application/controllers/EscortsController.php" ["line"]=> int(1432) ["function"]=> string(11) "getFiltered" ["class"]=> string(17) "Model_Escort_List" ["type"]=> string(2) "::" ["args"]=> array(19) { [0]=> array(2) { ["eic.gender = 1"]=> array(0) { } ["show_all_agency_escorts"]=> bool(true) } [1]=> string(11) "close-to-me" [2]=> int(1) [3]=> int(45) [4]=> int(0) [5]=> string(12) "regular_list" [6]=> bool(false) [7]=> array(1) { ["currency"]=> string(3) "EUR" } [8]=> NULL [9]=> array(7) { ["ip"]=> string(13) "" ["country"]=> string(24) "United States of America" ["country_iso"]=> string(2) "us" ["region"]=> string(4) "Ohio" ["city"]=> string(8) "Columbus" ["latitude"]=> float(39.961380004883) ["longitude"]=> float(-82.997749328613) } [10]=> string(7) "gallery" [11]=> string(7) "escorts" [12]=> NULL [13]=> NULL [14]=> string(3) "USD" [15]=> bool(true) [16]=> array(0) { } [17]=> bool(false) [18]=> int(0) } } [6]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(41) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Controller/Action.php" ["line"]=> int(513) ["function"]=> string(11) "indexAction" ["class"]=> string(17) "EscortsController" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [7]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(54) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Controller/Dispatcher/Standard.php" ["line"]=> int(289) ["function"]=> string(8) "dispatch" ["class"]=> string(22) "Zend_Controller_Action" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(11) "indexAction" } } [8]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(40) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Controller/Front.php" ["line"]=> int(954) ["function"]=> string(8) "dispatch" ["class"]=> string(35) "Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(2) { [0]=> object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#315 (15) { ["_paramSources":protected]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "_GET" [1]=> string(5) "_POST" } ["_requestUri":protected]=> string(214) "/escorts/?nosubid=1zgreuv%2Fro%2F%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fit%2F%2Fit%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fit%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fit%2F%2F%2Fes%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fde%2F%2F%2F%2Fde%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Ffr%2F%2Fes%2F/" ["_baseUrl":protected]=> string(0) "" ["_basePath":protected]=> NULL ["_pathInfo":protected]=> string(7) "escorts" ["_params":protected]=> array(9) { [1]=> string(0) "" ["lang_id"]=> string(2) "en" ["p_top_category"]=> string(7) "escorts" ["module"]=> string(7) "default" ["controller"]=> string(7) "escorts" ["action"]=> string(5) "index" ["chatVersion"]=> int(2) ["sort"]=> string(11) "close-to-me" ["error_handler"]=> object(ArrayObject)#399 (1) { ["storage":"ArrayObject":private]=> array(3) { ["exception"]=> *RECURSION* ["type"]=> string(15) "EXCEPTION_OTHER" ["request"]=> object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)#248 (15) { ["_paramSources":protected]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(4) "_GET" [1]=> string(5) "_POST" } ["_requestUri":protected]=> string(214) "/escorts/?nosubid=1zgreuv%2Fro%2F%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fit%2F%2Fit%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fit%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fit%2F%2F%2Fes%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fde%2F%2F%2F%2Fde%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fro%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Fpt%2F%2Ffr%2F%2Fes%2F/" ["_baseUrl":protected]=> string(0) "" ["_basePath":protected]=> NULL ["_pathInfo":protected]=> string(7) "escorts" ["_params":protected]=> array(8) { [1]=> string(0) "" ["lang_id"]=> string(2) "en" ["p_top_category"]=> string(7) "escorts" ["module"]=> string(7) "default" ["controller"]=> string(7) "escorts" ["action"]=> string(5) "index" ["chatVersion"]=> int(2) ["sort"]=> string(11) "close-to-me" } ["_rawBody":protected]=> NULL ["_aliases":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_dispatched":protected]=> bool(true) ["_module":protected]=> string(7) "default" ["_moduleKey":protected]=> string(6) "module" ["_controller":protected]=> string(7) "escorts" ["_controllerKey":protected]=> string(10) "controller" ["_action":protected]=> string(5) "index" ["_actionKey":protected]=> string(6) "action" } } } } ["_rawBody":protected]=> NULL ["_aliases":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_dispatched":protected]=> bool(true) ["_module":protected]=> string(7) "default" ["_moduleKey":protected]=> string(6) "module" ["_controller":protected]=> string(5) "error" ["_controllerKey":protected]=> string(10) "controller" ["_action":protected]=> string(5) "error" ["_actionKey":protected]=> string(6) "action" } [1]=> *RECURSION* } } [9]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(55) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php" ["line"]=> int(97) ["function"]=> string(8) "dispatch" ["class"]=> string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [10]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(58) "/var/www/www.escortdirectory.com/application/Bootstrap.php" ["line"]=> int(30) ["function"]=> string(3) "run" ["class"]=> string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [11]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(35) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Application.php" ["line"]=> int(366) ["function"]=> string(3) "run" ["class"]=> string(9) "Bootstrap" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [12]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(49) "/var/www/www.escortdirectory.com/public/index.php" ["line"]=> int(367) ["function"]=> string(3) "run" ["class"]=> string(16) "Zend_Application" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } } ["previous":"Exception":private]=> NULL } [1]=> *RECURSION* } ["_headers":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_headersRaw":protected]=> array(0) { } ["_httpResponseCode":protected]=> int(200) ["_isRedirect":protected]=> bool(false) ["_renderExceptions":protected]=> bool(false) ["headersSentThrowsException"]=> bool(true) } } } [9]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(55) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.php" ["line"]=> int(97) ["function"]=> string(8) "dispatch" ["class"]=> string(21) "Zend_Controller_Front" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [10]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(58) "/var/www/www.escortdirectory.com/application/Bootstrap.php" ["line"]=> int(30) ["function"]=> string(3) "run" ["class"]=> string(36) "Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [11]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(35) "/usr/share/php/Zend/Application.php" ["line"]=> int(366) ["function"]=> string(3) "run" ["class"]=> string(9) "Bootstrap" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } [12]=> array(6) { ["file"]=> string(49) "/var/www/www.escortdirectory.com/public/index.php" ["line"]=> int(367) ["function"]=> string(3) "run" ["class"]=> string(16) "Zend_Application" ["type"]=> string(2) "->" ["args"]=> array(0) { } } } ["previous":"Exception":private]=> NULL } Unexpected error!